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“If I’m honest, I am living a life where I have a huge range of spirits. Some aspects are super rich and very beautiful and I have so many things I’m grateful for and that occasionally just make me burst out in happy tears. And then I have huge chasms of fears and yearnings and frustrations and I get wildly impatient and hard on myself and spend too much time worrying and imagining catastrophic scenarios. I chug along at my physical job and my life feels fast and I’m still blessed a lot and I laugh and make as many jokes as possible while feeling heavy doses of tragic. Other times, I am light and feel invincible and don’t have any cares whatsoever. All the while I try to make art and it honestly feels so slow.”
Digital Photograph

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“What kills me is I can feel how everyone can see me struggling. It makes my efforting that much worse. I'm gracelessly slip sliding, trying to get a foothold, and it doesn't matter how many people think I'm cute, it doesn't relieve my frustration. This feels embarrassing too, because it's something a lot of folks would want but I don't care about it because I just want to  get out of the spinning and stop feeling like a goofy, awkward, fumbling mess.”
Digital Photograph

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“In the middle of it all, you still have to enjoy. Carve out moments of space in the sh*t. Find the sparkly things in your piles of clothing, wrap yourself in them, go out. Reveal yourself still. Let yourself be admired in your awkwardness. You do actually want to be seen anyway, even if every moment is not your perfect best, but that's all you can hope for. Be cringe, but be earnest. You kind of have no other choice. It's not worth it to hide.”
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Copyright © 2024 Morgan Cristine Flores

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